

Experiment, dare, innovate. The world of Karman revolves naturally around an original and decorative use of light and each lamp is the material expression of a memory, a feeling, a moment in life. The different styles merge and coexist happily between tradition and modernity while being guided by research and the technical ability to create...

Karman Bacco

Turn on the light and everything becomes visible. They say that Bacco is only harvested on the nights when there is a full moon, then pressed and left to rest in secret places and always by candlelight. This is the story behind Bacco, one of Karman’s most elegant and sophisticated “table lamps”...

Karman Mono

Mono is a combination of two materials that when combined express a tremendous female sensuality: the structure in metallic anthracite mesh is partly covered by a milk-white fibreglass “hat” that leaves a section uncovered in a game of peek-a-boo...

Karman Ululì Ululà

ULULÌ-ULULVA is dream and imagination. The moon, a mysterious woman, glows behind the gauzy veil of the clouds to carry us off into the wonderful realm of inspiration. Suspended in the air, resting on the ground or in the middle of a meadow, ULULÌ-ULULÀ comes to life when lit, creating warm amber shades that...